The Mystical Meets the Extraterrestrial: Unveiling Meister Eckhart in the Age of Aliens!

Hello, space travelers and seekers of the unknown! Ever found yourself gazing at a starlit sky, wondering if there's a higher truth out there? Or perhaps you've been curious about how ancient wisdom ties in with modern mysticism and alchemy. If any of these thoughts have danced in your mind, then buckle up. Today, I’m guiding you through the cosmic corridors of one of history’s most enigmatic mystics - Meister Eckhart - and exploring how his teachings might just intertwine with the otherworldly vibes I tend to channel into my art.

Who on Earth (or Beyond?) is Meister Eckhart?

Born in the 13th century, Meister Eckhart was a German theologian, philosopher, and mystic whose teachings have whispered through time. He ventured into the soul's depths, exploring its unique bond with the Divine. Seemingly out of this world, right?

Eckhart suggested our souls contain an eternal facet, forever intertwined with the Divine. He mused on 'the spark of the soul' that eludes the grasp of time and space. This idea feels strangely familiar, almost as if it's a recurrent theme in my life and maybe also some of my collage artworks.

Eckhart and Alchemy: A Cosmic Dance

While Meister Eckhart wasn't exactly penning down recipes for turning lead into gold, he did discuss the spiritual alchemy of self-transformation. By looking within and recognizing the Divine presence, he believed one could unearth their purest, golden self. Sounds like an alchemical dance of the soul, doesn’t it?

Eckhart in the Age of Aliens

Now, let's venture into the realm of imagination. If our mystic lived in a universe of aliens, UFOs, and space journeys, how would his teachings evolve?

Maybe he’d opine that our 'soul spark' doesn't just tether us to the Divine but also serves as a beacon for intergalactic consciousness. Could it be that the pursuit of Divine understanding isn’t just an earthly endeavor but a cosmic quest? When you realize we’re all stardust, distinctions between Earth, the Divine, and the vast cosmic expanse become fascinatingly intertwined.

Where My Art Intersects Mysticism

I don’t interpret my works for you. Instead, I invite you on a journey to uncover their sometimes rich symbolism and craft your unique narrative. When you delve into my creations, what will you discern? Echoes of Eckhart's wisdom, traces of alchemical magic, or hints of otherworldly wonders?

Craving a cosmic adventure? Delve deeper into my art prints and embark on an exploration, navigating the vast ocean of symbolism. Each piece holds a universe of secrets, whispering tales to the true seeker.

And just a playful cosmic riddle for you – do(es) my artwork(s) truly resonate with Eckhart's teachings, or are they transmissions from a galaxy not so close to his home? The universe may keep some secrets, but the joy is in the journey of discovery.


Check Out My Art

Marie-Luise Smith

Marie-Luise Smith holds a BS in Radiological Sciences (Diagnostics, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine) and a BS in Psychology. She is a member of the American Association For The Advancement Of Science (AAAS), but not without criticism for them. With a rich background in scientific and clinical research work, she has spent years working in multiple hospitals and clinical research settings. Her profound passion for dogs, especially Dobermans, has been a significant part of her life for over 14 years, during which she has owned eight dogs, including both rescued and purebred dogs.

Currently, Marie-Luise is pursuing certifications in canine nutrition and animal naturopathy, further expanding her knowledge and expertise in holistic pet care. Her approach to writing is deeply rooted in evidence-based practices, leveraging her scientific and medical background to provide well-researched and reliable information to her readers. Through her work, Marie-Luise aims to promote breed positivity and provide valuable insights into the health and well-being of Dobermans, ensuring that dog owners are well-informed and empowered to care for their furry companions.


The Origins of the Emoticon: An Alchemical Smile in Digital Form


Unraveling the Ankh: When Alchemy Meets Art